
Tips from Attorney General Liz Murrill on how to stay alert and informed during Hurricane Season

The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season has begun, and Attorney General Liz Murrill wants Louisianans to stay alert and informed once a storm develops.

Here are our tips:

  • Have a trusted source for storm information
  • Know your alerts and the difference between a Watch and a Warning: a watch means hurricane conditions are possible; a warning means a hurricane is imminent. Remember, a hurricane warning can remain in effect until dangerously high water and waves subside even though winds may be less than hurricane force.
  • Understand tropical cyclone terms: Tropical depression: max wind speed is 38 mph or less, Tropical storm: max winds speed is 39 to 73 mph, Hurricane: max wind speed is 74 mph or more
  • Protect your home and stay in your safe place until the threat is gone
  • Charge your phone and have Emergency Alerts enabled to receive warning and other alerts
  • Pack an emergency evacuation bag and always follow evacuation orders if given

Even after the hurricane has passed, dangers can remain for days. This is NOT the time to put your guard down:

  • Be careful near damaged buildings, be mindful of loose, downed power lines and dangerous debris
  • Never drive or walk through flooded roads: it is difficult to judge how deep or swift water is moving
  • Clean up safely and at your own pace: remember to check on your elderly neighbors and other vulnerable people in your community. Use caution if your area is under a Heat Advisory
  • Help and communication may not be available immediately following the storm.
  • Take pictures of home damage before repair work for insurance claims
  • Be aware of scams arising after the storm: scams such as fraudulent charities, price gouging, government or insurance adjuster con artists, and illegitimate contractors can follow natural disasters. 

For more resources and storm updates visit:

To view our previous tips on how to prepare for Hurricane Season 2024, click here.

Stay safe, Louisiana!