
AG Opinions provide legal counsel to Louisiana's governmental entities, including state departments, agencies, and political subdivisions. These opinions, while advisory, don't carry the force of law and are bound by the facts provided. They can be revised due to court rulings or legislative changes.

The Attorney General, as the state's chief legal officer, issues opinions to the governor, state legislators, state bodies, and district attorneys on state law queries. Local governing bodies, their officers, and certain local officials can also request opinions. However, private individuals seeking opinions are directed only on matters concerning dual officeholding or dual employment.

Requests for opinions must be formally submitted via a signed letter addressed to the Attorney General.

Mail: Attorney General Liz Murrill
Attn: Civil Division
P.O. Box 94005
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
Email: OpinionRequest@ag.louisiana.gov

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When searching by opinion number, please note that our opinion numbers use the format yy-xxxx. For example to search for opinion 01-435 please type 01-0435 in the search box. For searches without opinion numbers, we advise using short phrases such as dual office or public bid law. Also please note that our search function does not utilize quotation marks to denote exact search so using quotation marks in the search field is not recommended.