
Attorney General Liz Murrill’s Cyber Crime Unit arrests Ruston man for 70 counts of possession of child porn

Attorney General Liz Murrill’s Cyber Crime Unit arrested Michael Dewayne Uzzle of Ruston, (W/M DOB: 8/18/1991) on March 7, 2024.

Uzzle is charged with: LA R.S. 14:81.1 – Possession of Child Pornography (70 Counts)

Agents initially got a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), which led to Uzzle’s arrest.

This arrest was a result of an investigation conducted by Attorney General Murrill’s Cyber Crime Unit, Lincoln Parish Sheriff’s Office, Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office, Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office, and Homeland Security Investigations. 

“My office continues to take a zero tolerance approach to child predators. I’d thank to thank members of my Cyber Crime Unit, along with all the law enforcement agencies involved in this case,” said General Murrill.

Uzzle was booked at the Lincoln Parish Detention Center without incident on the above listed charges. 

His bond has reportedly been set at $150,000.