
Louisiana heads to the United States Supreme Court to defend our First Amendment rights against government censorship

WHO: Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill and Solicitor General Benjamin Aguiñaga 

WHAT: Murthy v. Missouri

WHERE: Supreme Court of the United States in Washington D.C.

WHEN: Oral arguments begin at 10 a.m. EST, Monday, March 18


George Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four as a warning against tyranny. He never intended it to be used as a how-to guide by the federal government. Yet our case has uncovered over 20,000 pages of documents -- along with over 100 pages of fact findings by a district judge -- highlighting an extensive censorship campaign stemming directly from the President of the United States and his federal government.

As a result, this has become one of the most important cases in a century related to the First Amendment. Oral arguments will be made before the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday, March 18, 2024. That is when we will present a powerful argument to the Court, which we believe will validate the original ruling by a district judge that Biden’s censorship enterprise is a massive violation of the First Amendment.

Freedom of speech is one of the most important liberties we have as Americans, serving as a bulwark to protect democracy from a government that might censor its people. We hope to get a strong, powerful message from the United States Supreme Court that the First Amendment still matters and that the federal government cannot engage in a broad ranging enterprise to stifle protected speech.