
Attorney General Liz Murrill files rehearing application after Louisiana Supreme Court strikes down child sex abuse law

Today, Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill’s Office filed a rehearing application, following a 4-3 ruling weeks ago from the justices, which overturned a state law from 2021 which allowed childhood sexual abuse victims more time to file civil lawsuits.

The policy in question was passed unanimously by the legislature, and signed by the governor in 2021.

“Today, my team filed a rehearing application urging the Louisiana Supreme Court to rehear its decision foreclosing child victims of sexual abuse from suing to vindicate their rights. Our brief explains that this case raises serious concerns about the separation of powers and the proper judicial role. We are hopeful that the Court will agree, take a second look, and give these victims their day in court. I will continue to show my support for victims of sexual assault.”

  • download Bienvenuv.Defendant1-AGsRehearingBrief4-5.pdf