Charity Registration Page

Charitable organizations that use a professional solicitor must register annually with the Consumer Protection Section, at least 10 days prior to soliciting for contributions.

How To Register

Mail the registration fee, registration form, and requested documents to the following address:

Louisiana Attorney General’s Office
Consumer Protection Section
1885 N. Third St., 4th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802


Register Online

Registration Fee

The annual registration fee for initial registration or renewal is $25.00.

Payments by mail. Registrants may pay the required registration fee(s) by check.
Checks should be made payable to the “Louisiana Department of Justice.”

Registration and Form Requested Documents

Compete the Charitable Organization Registration Form and provide the requested documents.
See the Charitable Organization Registration Checklist

Charitable Registration Exemptions

The following soliciting charities are exempt from registration:

  • Religious institutions as defined in Subsection A of Louisiana Administrative Code Title 16 Part III, Chapter 5, Section 515.
  • Educational institutions recognized and/or approved by the State Department of Education or the appropriate state educational board.
  • Any hospital organized under the laws of this state, or any voluntary health organization organized under the laws of this state and/or under federal laws.

To apply for exemption, complete and return the Charitable Exemption Form along with the required documents to the following address.
See the Charitable Exemption Checklist.

Louisiana Attorney General’s Office
Consumer Protection Section
1885 N. Third St., 4th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Louisiana law regarding charitable solicitations and soliciting charitable contributions can be found at
La. Admin Code Title 16 Pt. III, § 515 and La. R.S. 51:1901 et seq.

Phone: 225-326-6400

Complaints About a Charity or Charitable Solicitation

The Attorney General encourages the public to file complaints regarding a charity or charitable solicitation using the Complaint Form available here.

Mail the form and supporting documents to the following address:

Louisiana Attorney General’s Office
Consumer Protection Section
1885 N. Third St., 4th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

  • download CharitableExemptionChecklist.pdf
  • download CharitableExemptionForm.pdf
  • download CharityDisputeForm.pdf
  • download CharitableOrganizationRegistrationChecklist.pdf
  • download CharitableOrganizationRegistrationForm.pdf