Fair Housing

Online Fair Housing Discrimination Complaint Form

Please use the form below to submit your complaint to the Fair Housing Division.

If you believe your fair housing rights have been violated, the Louisiana Department of Justice is ready to help you file a complaint. You have one year from the date of the alleged act of discrimination to file a complaint. We work with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to make sure that fair housing laws are enforced in the State of Louisiana.

Your housing discrimination complaint will be reviewed by a fair housing specialist to determine if it alleges acts that might violate the Fair Housing Act. The specialist will contact you for any additional information needed to complete this review. If your complaint involves a possible violation of the Fair Housing Act, the specialist will assist you in filing an official housing discrimination complaint.

Contact Information

Who else can we call if we cannot reach you?
Alternate Contact Information
Second Alternate Contact Information

What happened to you? How were you discriminated against?

For example: were you refused an opportunity to rent or buy housing? Denied a loan? Told that housing was not available when in fact it was? Treated differently from others seeking housing? State briefly what happened:

Why do you believe you are being discriminated against?

It is a violation of the law to deny you your housing rights for any of the following factors: - race - color - religion - sex - national origin - familial status (families with children under 18) - disability.

For example: were you denied housing because of your race? Were you denied a mortgage loan because of your religion? Or turned down for an apartment because you have children? Were you harassed because you assisted someone in obtaining their fair housing rights? Briefly explain why you think your housing rights were denied because of any the factors listed above.

Who do you believe discriminated against you?

Was it a landlord, owner, bank, real estate agent, broker, company, or organization?

Where did the alleged act of discrimination occur?

Provide the address. For example: Was it at a rental unit? Single family home? Public or Assisted Housing? A Mobile Home? Did it occur at a bank or other lending institution?

When did the last act of discrimination occur? Is the alleged discrimination continuous or on going?