How can we address crime?

We are dedicated to making Louisiana safer. And while the LADOJ may be limited in what we can do with regards to the crime problem in Louisiana, we are always forging collaborative partnerships to support meaningful initiatives throughout our State.

Liz Murrill Handshake

Standing with Victims

  • We believe in a criminal justice system that supports victims first and foremost. That is why our office advocates for policies and initiatives that prioritize victims’ rights, ensuring that they are treated with dignity, respect, and compassion throughout the legal process.
  • We believe in greater transparency and accountability across the board for both victims and law enforcement agencies alike. Historically, we have supported easier access to public records, better data management for electronic information, and improved technologies for tracking the progress of a case.
  • We have also collaborated with law enforcement, hospitals, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners, district attorneys, crime labs, and coroners to ensure that victims have access to comprehensive support services and the resources they need.

Supporting Law Enforcement

  • Through strategic partnerships and training opportunities, our office invests in the capabilities of law enforcement to support communities across the State. We also assist district attorneys with investigations and prosecutions when requested.
  • We advocate for policies and initiatives that support law enforcement officers and their families, including collaborative efforts to address the opioid epidemic, Internet crimes against children, and domestic violence. We have also pushed back against efforts to defund the police.
  • As Chairman of the Law Enforcement and Firemen Survivor Benefits Board, Attorney General Liz Murrill ensures that the families of fallen officers receive the support and assistance they need.

Liz Murrill with Police
Liz Murrill Speaking

Did you know?

  • Louisiana experiences 60% more violent crime per 100,000 citizens than the national average
  • The Louisiana State Police Crime Lab, which processes roughly 30% of crime in the State, handles more than 6,000 pieces of evidence annually. (30% of that volume is related to cases from New Orleans.)
  • 47% of drug offenders in Louisiana, and 68% of prison inmates, lack a high school diploma or GED.
  • New Orleans has been ranked as the sixth most dangerous city in America with a crime rate 150% higher than the national average. It was recently ranked as having the second highest homicide rate in the nation.

Resources at a Glance

We are committed to protect and serve the people of Louisiana


Our Criminal Division

Learn how we assist District Attorneys with investigations and prosecutions.


Medicaid Fraud

Get our guide to protecting yourself from Medicaid Fraud.


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