Defending Louisiana’s Economic Prosperity

We stand up to federal overreach and unconstitutional edicts that threaten the prosperity of our State and its industries. Here are our initiatives:

Downtown by the River

Supporting Our Industries

  • We defend Louisiana’s industries against undue regulations and federal interference. Through legal battles and advocacy, we’ve protected our state’s rights and prevented harmful policies from crippling our economy.
  • From the energy sector and agriculture to Louisiana horse racing and our seafood industry, we have defended Louisiana in court against burdensome restrictions to our prosperity, traditions, and continued growth.
  • We’ve also led coalitions with other states to protect Louisiana’s economy and energy sector, securing victories in court that have ranged from stopping Biden’s ban on lease sales to keeping the EPA in check.

Facing Economic Challenges

  • Our goal is to make Louisiana a place where businesses thrive, families prosper, and talent returns home. That means defending what is already here while protecting entrepreneurs, property owners, and even homeowners from blatant abuses of federal power.
  • We believe that Louisiana should have control over our natural resources, not councils, think tanks, or private corporations thousands of miles away, which is why we have fought for our recreational and commercial fisherman, our shrimpers, the horse racing industry, and even the control of our “navigable waters.”
  • When it comes to natural disasters, Louisiana is no stranger to the dangers, damages, or hassle, which is why our office supports several initiatives, from managing the Louisiana Cemetery Task Force in collaboration with GOHSEP to coordinating with the National Center for Disaster Fraud to protect our limited resources.

Liz Murrill Podium
Downtown by the River

Did you know?

  • Louisiana has roughly 30,000 farm operations across eight million acres of farmland, with many focused on raising poultry, hogs, and cattle. On the whole, agriculture contributes nearly $10 billion annually to our State’s economy.
  • Roughly one in every 70 jobs in Louisiana is related to seafood, with 29% of all U.S. shrimp caught by Louisiana shrimpers.
  • Our State accounts for one-fifth of U.S. refining capacity and can process about 3.2 million barrels of crude oil per day.
  • The oil & gas industry plays a key role in Louisiana’s economy, generating substantial tax revenue that directly benefits public education as well as creating thousands of jobs both offshore and on-land. Lease sales also generate millions of dollars in funding for our coastal recovery and restoration programs.

Resources at a Glance

We are committed to protect and serve the people of Louisiana


Our Federalism Division

Learn how we fight the federal government and protect our State from blatant abuse.


Our Gaming Division

Learn how we keep gaming honest and protect Louisiana horse racing.


Our Civil Division

Learn how we repair cemeteries after a storm through our Louisiana Cemetery Task Force.


Fight Disaster Fraud

Learn how we collaborate with the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF).


Hiring a Contractor

Learn how to protect yourself from Contractor Fraud with our digital guide.


Prepare for Natural Disasters

Learn how to protect yourself after a natural disaster with our digital guide.


Follow on Social Media

Learn about the latest trends, news stories, and arrests through our various channels.


Book a Speaker

Learn how you can get a member of the Department of Justice to speak at your event.

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