Athlete Agents

Information for Athlete Agents

Athlete agents must annually register with the Public Protection Division of the Department of Justice before they may contact an athlete.
See La. R.S. 4:420, et seq.

How to Register

To register, pay the $100.00 annual registration fee*, complete the registration form, and provide the requested documents.

Registration Fee

There is an annual registration fee* of $100.
*Attorneys that are active members of the Louisiana State Bar are exempt from paying the registration fee.

Payments by mail.

Registrants may pay the required registration fee(s) by check. Checks should be made payable to the “Louisiana Department of Justice” and mailed to the address provided below.

Requested Documents

Mail the written Application for Athlete Agent Registration or Renewal to the following address:

Louisiana Attorney General’s Office
Public Protection Division
1885 N. Third St., 4th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
  • download AthleteAgentRegistrationForm.pdf