Professional Solicitors

Not less than 10 days prior to doing business in Louisiana, a professional solicitor shall register with the Department of Justice by filing an application, application fee, and bond (when applicable). Each registration is valid for one year and may be renewed for additional one year periods

How To Register

Mail the registration fee, registration form, and requested documents to the following address:

Louisiana Attorney General’s Office
Consumer Protection Section
1885 N. Third St., 4th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802


Register Online

Registration Fee

The annual registration fee for initial registration or renewal is $150.00.

Payments by mail. Registrants may pay the required registration fee(s) by check.
Checks should be made payable to the “Louisiana Department of Justice.”

Registration Form and Requested Documents

For an initial registration or renewal registration, provide the registration form and all requested documents, including a Notice of Commencement of Solicitation (when applicable) and Surety Bond (if applicable):

Notice of Commencement of Solicitation

A Notice of Commencement of Solicitation must be provided to the Department on the form prescribed by the Department no less than 10 days before commencing each solicitation campaign or event. Included with the Notice of Commencement must be a copy of the contract or agreement between the solicitor and the charitable organization or sponsor.

Professional Solicitor Surety Bond Form (if applicable)

At the time of registration and renewal of registration, any professional solicitor with custody or control of contributions made to a charitable organization shall file a department-approved bond with the state treasurer. The bond shall be for $25,000.00 or greater.

Louisiana law regarding charitable solicitations and soliciting charitable contributions can be found at
La. Admin Code Title 16 Pt. III, § 515 and La. R.S. 51:1901 et seq.

Phone: 225-326-6400
  • download ProfessionalSolicitorRegistrationForm.pdf